130410 ♥

▼130410 MBC FM4U MUZI的親密朋友(MBC Muse's Best friend radio)

Q: The reason why L takes a lot of photos of Sungjong only? 1. Cuz SJ is the closest member 2. Cuz SJ is the easiest member 3. SJ's photos are those who come out the best among the member
Myungsoo: It's 3. Cuz his photos are those come out the best. He's the one looks like a celebrity the most in real life. We have to do a lot about our look but this friend doesnt do anything cuz his skin is so nice...yeah his skin is very nice
Muse: Do you know that L takes a lot of photos of you?
Sungjong: Yeah I know.
Muse: So you can look at him and pose naturally?
Sungjong: Yeah I sometimes pose for him, with my best expression and angle...but sometimes I know that he takes my photos without my knowing

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